
Unseasonal Greetings!

As the weather in London is showing itself at its very worst (it is wet and warm! in December!) we dream of far away places, with proper snow and bright sunshine: the Alps, home of the dirndl, but also feel free of the usual constraints of having to be 'seasonal' as we are on the look-out new inspirations for what's next for our first love at DQ: fabric and prints.

So here goes, a total mash-up of spring, snow and last summer season's silk dresses, Australia and Austria, old school documentary photography and fresh out of college fashion.

In very particular oder then: a quick scrapbook of alpine photos of a favourite photographer, Martin Parr, a family snapshot of a (v young) Dirndlqueen on holiday in the Alps en famille (ca 1976), to an inspiredly unseasonal alpine dress from Carven (SS12) and the wonderful collection of an Australian designer, Anna Langdon, taken from her 2012 titled 'Kindheit und Kitschfolk' collection: here's a girl from the land of the sun in love with Austrian alpine folklore and a great dirndl skirt. We love!

All Martin Parr: Alps 

Young Dirndlqueen en famille in Tyrol Alps, ca 1976
Carven SS 12 

Carven SS12

Carven SS12 

Anna Langdon SS12

Anna Langdon SS12